Biblia Jakuba Wujka 1962 WAM
Biblia Jakuba Wujka 1962
Sztuka gotyku i wczesnego renesansu H. Zimmermann niem.
Art of the Gothic and Early Renaissance H. Zimmermann german
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Sztuka gotyku i wczesnego renesansu H. Zimmermann, język niemiecki, tom 2 serii Zimmermanna poświęconej historii sztuki, około 100 stron, data wydania nieznana, wydane w Hamburgu, prawdopodobnie lata 40 XX wieku, stan zachowania średni, plamy, pożółkłe strony.
Art of the Gothic and Early Renaissance H. Zimmermann, German, volume 2 of the Zimmermann art history series, about 100 pages, date of publication unknown, published in Hamburg, probably 1940s, average condition, stains, yellowed pages.
Biblia Jakuba Wujka 1962
Sztuka renesansu H. Zimmermann niemiecki t. 10
The Art of the Renaissance H. Zimmermann German Vol. 10
Kurt G. Bluchel "Zauber der Jagdt" album
K. Plicka Praga w fotografii 1961 albym wyd. Artia Wirth
K. Plicka Praga in photography 1961 album published by Artia Wirth
The Berlin look is casual, edgy, accessible, and eclectic - it's the style of the moment. A design expert, Angelika Taschen, defines the unique fashion sense of the hip city - and the look is made accessible to everyone. Find out how Berlin women dress and where they find their fashion inspiration, what is their interior design approach and reaveal the city's top destinations for fashion, beauty and culture. The book includes beautiful street-style photography and hand-drawn illustrations. The book is in English.
Książeczka dla bezczynnych wędrowców lata 60 Austria
Teppiche - Tradiotion und Kunst in Orient und Okzident